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Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Behind Every Good Leader Is a Great Leader

It’s an old adage that we’ve heard in a variety of ways: surround yourself with people better than you.
If you’ve ever attended a leadership conference, you’ve heard something to the tune of "good leaders surround themselves with good people, but GREAT leaders surround themselves with people who are even better than they are."

Sounds familiar, right? But these simple and brilliant messages aren’t necessarily so simple to achieve. How exactly do you go about cultivating this community of success where everyone is talented, smart, and experts in diverse fields? 

While it may not be easy, rest assured that a willingness to surround yourself with success is a great sign that you’re ready to put aside ego, jealousy, and a need for control. And that’s a key prerequisite to making this happen.

So here goes: four ways you can surround yourself with great leaders in your business and life:

1. Hire Outside Your Comfort Zone

When considering a job applicant, have you ever thought, "That person may not fit in here?"’ Or maybe you instantly toss aside a resume because you think someone may be too expensive for your business. Sometimes you need to take a chance in order to surround yourself with the best people possible to find out just how much more effective you and your business can be with the right team. 

Of course, you’ll need to sift through the self-promoters to uncover true talent. And steer clear of hiring a team of people who think and behave just like you. Real leaders enjoy different perspectives, while weak leaders seek out yes men and women.

2. Develop Potential Leaders

Finding good people is step one; developing them into the best leaders they can be is step two. Leaders who cultivate potential leaders multiply their own success and effectiveness. Having strong leaders around you will help you carry other loads and grow the business. Think of it this way: The people closest to a leader will determine the fate (success or failure) of that leader. You may think that developing potential leaders could threaten your authority or position, but failing to inspire and optimize the talent of others is a sure sign of a failed leader.

3. Get a Mentor

Throughout my career, I’ve had the good fortune to benefit from a number of great informal mentors, many of whom who have had wonderful mentors themselves. My first piece of advice for anyone looking for a mentor is get out there and ask. Find someone with the traits and skills you want to adopt (he or she doesn’t necessarily have to be someone with a fancy title or in your same business). Organizations like SCORE (Service Corps of Retired Executives Association) and NAWBO (National Association of Women Business Owners) offer free mentoring and one-on-one counseling programs.

Keep in mind that mentoring comes in all shapes and sizes. It doesn’t have to be a formal relationship with a weekly meeting. It could be a Skype videoconference or chat or an occasional coffee date. In short, mentoring is just learning from someone more experienced whom you admire and respect.

4. Surround Yourself with Success

Great leaders create a strong environment of success where they live and work. Surround yourself with people who challenge you. Encourage family and friends to push you when it matters most. Encouragement and support are essential, but a gentle push or frank advice can really help you get to the next level.

Of course, this means you need to be open to hearing blunt words from your spouse, friends, and family. And don’t forget to share ideas with others in your industry and welcome input from peers and colleagues. 

Surrounding yourself with extraordinary people will open your eyes to new and bigger ideas. Push yourself to never stop growing, learning, and achieving. Inspire and be inspired. That’s the hallmark of a great leader.

By: Nellie Akalp

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