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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Online Lead Generation Methods You Must Stick to

Online Lead Generation Methods You Must Stick to

There is a method of lead generation that is becoming more and more popular all the time, and many small business owners are starting to take advantage of it. This is known as Online Lead Generation (OLG) and it can offer many benefits to companies of all sizes. It is a great way to generate new leads and drive traffic to any website, and there are some great ways that you can use online lead generation to your advantage:
SEO/SEM: This is one of the best ways to ensure that you are going to be seen in search engines. When you use SEO/SEM (Search Engine Optimization or Search Engine Marketing) marketing, you are able to promote your business online 24 hours a day, without having to work 24 hours a day. This has become the most popular way to promote online businesses, not to mention the most effective. Remember, if you are going to use SEO/SEM, it is not just a one-off thing. This is something that is going to be going on long term if you really want to see results.

Email Marketing: Pretty much everyone has a computer these days, and most computer users have at least one email address. Email marketing has become one of the most popular ways to market businesses, because it is an inexpensive and fast way to reach thousands of customers at one time. The first thing you need to do is create an opt-in form. This will get people to provide you with their email addresses, which you can use for your marketing later on. Don't waste time and money by sending out SPAM and other useless emails. Send out newsletters and other notices that provide helpful information and special offers to your customers. In just one year, this type of marketing has grown in usage from 74% to 83%.

Pay-Per-Click Marketing: This is a really efficient and inexpensive way to market your business. When you use pay-per-click, you are only paying when there are actual results. If no one clicks, you don't pay (of course, you want to have as many clicks as possible). This type of marketing is continually growing in popularity, and more than 73% of companies that were surveyed say they have used PPC to market their products and services.

Social Media: With billions of people using social media websites such as Facebook and Twitter, doesn't it just make sense that business owners jump on board and start marketing through these websites? There are many ways you can use social media for free to market your business. Create a Facebook page or group, and invite everyone you know, including your current customers, to join. Take part in discussions to let people know that you are available for them. About 66% of all companies are using social media as part of their marketing, so why shouldn't you as well?

By Andrew C McCombe

1 comment:

  1. Search engine optimization and social media promotions are the better than email marketing process to getting more leads to business.
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